~ China: +86.351.7553710 ~ | ~ USA: +1.719.225.1366

Economic Development Enterprises

Evergreen seeks to assist locals to start, develop, and run healthy businesses. We bring our expertise into the situation, work with the passion and skills of the locals, offer them training, and walk beside them as their business ventures are developed.  Potential business incubation projects must meet our incubation criteria:

•    There must be a viable business plan.
•    The plan must meet real needs in the local community.
•    Projects must include equipping of local staff.
•    The projects need to be locally sustainable.

Evergreen has incubated several small businesses. Currently we are working in the following Economic Development Enterprises:

Evergreen Hand-Cut Cards

The Evergreen Card Company seeks to serve both urban and rural families needing extra income, as well as to touch them in a tangible way with the love of God. The ancient Chinese paper cutting art has been modified to appeal to the Western eye and is marketed in the West. Proceeds from the sale of these hand-cut cards are used to further develop this project, and to assist low income families in urban and rural areas.

For more information about this project and to order cards, please visit the Evergreen Cards website.